

Coronary angioplasty is also known as Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) – is a procedure to widen arteries around the heart that have become narrowed or blocked by a build-up of fatty material. At the start of the procedure a catheter – a fine, flexible, hollow tube will be passed into an artery in either your groin or your arm. The operator then uses X-ray screening to direct the catheter into a coronary artery. This is sometimes called cardiac Catheterisation. A balloon is inflated inside the blocked artery, widening it so the blood can flow through more easily. Then a small tube of stainless steel mesh called a stent is inserted and, as the balloon is inflated, the stent expands so it holds open the blood vessel. Finally, the balloon is let down and removed, leaving the stent in place. If there is a stent in the heart then you will take antiplates medicine because it helps in reducing blood clots around and near the stent.

  •      Reduce Angina.
  •      Reduce the risk of another Heart-Attack.
  •      Improve your breathing.
  •      Best in class cardiac diagnostic equipment